A guide to skin lesions: FAQs about their many forms and treatment options

By definition, a lesion refers to any injured or damaged area that is different from the surrounding healthy and unblemished tissue. As a highly qualified medical spa, Pua Manu MedSpa has the onsite skills and capabilities to safely and predictably improve the appearance of a wide range of lesions, from birthmarks or cherry angiomas to hard-to-miss skin tags and moles. We also perform expert lesion removal as needed.


Is my lesion dangerous?

Since lesions take on many different forms, our team in Kapolei, Hawaii, must first understand your skin concern; from there, we can recommend appropriate interventions. With that being said, the vast majority of skin growths or anomalies are perfectly harmless. But you may still want them removed because they can detract from your skin’s otherwise even and balanced appearance. Furthermore, some lesions can grow very large. They may rub against fabrics and skin folds, which causes irritation and can even be a source of damage or infection.

How do you rule out potentially harmful conditions?

Great question! Many skin concerns look similar. Some benign growths can even resemble skin cancers. In these cases, specialist expertise might be warranted. A small sample of tissue may be removed and analyzed further to determine the true nature of your lesion or growth.

Are skin tags non-cancerous?

Yes! Here again, though, it is essential to determine if you have a true skin tag or not. These raised growths may appear to “hang on by a thread” to the surrounding skin. Additionally, these acrochordons tend to arise in certain areas of the face and body – such as on the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin, and underneath the breasts, or those spots that come in contact with other surfaces.

Why am I getting skin tags all of a sudden?

You may notice skin tags for the first time or more of them as you age. Sun or environmental damage is also thought to be a contributor. Skin tags are thought to have a genetic component, and these growths of skin, fat, vessels, and fibrous tissue often accompany certain diseases. These conditions include Type 2 diabetes, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), hypertension, and high cholesterol. Understanding the source of your skin tags is critical to managing them and effectively managing the potentially serious underlying condition.

What should I do about them?

If you are worried about these growths, the wait-and-see approach rarely works here. In most cases, skin tags will not go away spontaneously. They almost always require professional treatment. The friction associated with these growths can also cause them to grow larger and more irritated. To avoid these and other complications, seek an evaluation and treatment at Pua Manu MedSpa.

How do you treat them?

While recommendations vary depending on the size and location of your skin tags, removal techniques range from surgical excision to cryotherapy or the application of cooling temperatures to freeze off the trouble spots. The appearance of other lesions may be improved or eliminated entirely through nonsurgical resurfacing techniques, such as laser therapy and chemical peels. At our med spa in Kapolei, Hawaii, these procedures are routine and generally tolerated well with little more than a topical anesthetic to support utmost comfort.

Worry no longer about a troublesome lesion! Call (808) 900-4351 to schedule your consultation today.